Et de ma vision d’une mode éco-responsable

Ever since my childhood, I have loved playing with fabrics, and I have loved creating things. My loving great-aunt taught me the basics of sewing, and from then onwards I continued teaching myself how to sew, leading me to launch Feuille d’Artichaut in March 2020. "Feuille d'Artichaut" means "Artichoke Leaf".
Mais j’ai aussi, depuis toujours, un grand souci de la Nature, or nous savons que l’industrie de la mode est l’une des plus polluantes au monde. Il est pour moi indispensable de cesser d’alimenter la fast-fashion, et de se tourner vers une mode plus saine, pour soi, les autres et le Monde.
This is the reason why, with Feuille d’Artichaut, I create pieces of clothing in ancient, vintage fabrics that I gather through flea markets, garage sales, attics, or small specialised shops. I also sometimes allow myself to use new fabrics, as long as they are either destock, organic, ecologic and/or french-made.
I draw, model and sew these clothes with my heart, and I hope you will wear them, love them, and make them last…
- Léozane Wachs, creator of Feuille d'Artichaut -

Pour en apprendre plus sur mes réflexions et ma démarche, vous pouvez lire mes articles sur le blog :